Category Archives: Top Tips

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Grow your general knowledge with Booko: Stretch

Today’s book is a little bit of a different take on growing our general knowledge. Using captivating stories to illustrate research in psychology and management, Rice University professor Scott Sonenshein examines in his hugely popular book Stretch, why some people and organisations succeed with so little, while others fail with so much.

Grow your general knowledge with Booko: Thing Explainer

In Thing Explainer, Randall Munroe explains things using only drawings and a vocabulary of just our 1,000 most common words to show how important things work: from the nuclear bomb to the biro.

Grow your general knowledge with Booko: A Brief History of Time

Today’s recommended book to help grow your general knowledge is one of the most fascinating glances into the mind of a genius. It’s Stephen Hawking’s A Brief History of Time.