Category Archives: Top Tips

Collection of our best tips and tricks

Dare to disagree

Most people instinctively avoid conflict, but as Margaret Heffernan shows us in this Ted Talk, a good disagreement is central to progress. She shows us how the best partners aren’t echo chambers and how great research teams, relationships and businesses allow people to deeply disagree.

How to gain control of your free time

Ohh this Ted Talk is a goodie. Time management expert Laura Vanderkam studies how busy people spend their lives, and she’s discovered that many of us drastically overestimate our commitments each week, while underestimating the time we have to ourselves. She offers a few practical strategies to help find more time for what matters to us, so we can “build the lives we want in the time we’ve got.” Get clicking…

Fake videos of real people and how to spot them

Do you think you’re good at spotting fake videos, where famous people say things they’ve never said in real life? See how they’re made in this astonishing Ted talk. Computer scientist Supasorn Suwajanakorn shows how, as a grad student, he used AI and 3D modeling to create photorealistic fake videos of people synced to audio. Learn more about both the ethical implications and the creative possibilities of this tech and the steps being taken to fight against its misuse.

Pre Order with Booko: Bluey My Dad is Awesome

This month we’re giving you a heads up as to what is about to hit the bookshelves. Today’s Pre Order with Booko is by two of the most hilarious Blue Healers that are taking the world by storm, My Dad is Awesome by Bingo and Bluey.