Category Archives: Personal development

Self help and personal development

Summer reading with Booko: Greenlights

All right all right all right

Greenlights is on our summer reading list. It’s an unconventional memoir with raucous stories, wisdom, and lessons about living.

Why you should shop at your local farmers market

This festive season, perhaps more than ever, it feels important to be supporting local businesses and that includes our farmers too. This Ted Talk shows us how to put our purchasing power into action and why we should shop at our local farmers market this festive season.

Building a better world with Booko: Less Stuff

Clutter impacts on our productivity, stresses us out and keeps us stuck. Decluttering is great for our mental wellbeing, and when done right, it can be good for the planet too. Less Stuff can help.

Building a better world with Booko: Six Weeks to Zero Waste

We all know the importance of reducing our environmental footprint and Six Weeks to Zero Waste is both an accessible and aspirational programme to help us eliminate waste.

Building a better world with Booko: Low Tox Life

Ever stopped to read the list of ingredients in the products you use every day? In Low Tox Life, activist and educator Alexx Stuart gently clears a path through the maze of mass-market ingredient cocktails, focusing on four key areas: Body, Home, Food and Mind. 

Building a better world with Booko: 
A Family Guide to Waste Free Living

A Family Guide to Waste-free Living makes it simple and sustainable for families to eliminate waste in the home, at work and out in the world. It’s our pick for today.