Books being adapted into films have always caused a stir as some will always prefer the book and others are die-hard movie fans. Later this week we’ll be taking a look at the latest books being transformed onto screen.

Books being adapted into films have always caused a stir as some will always prefer the book and others are die-hard movie fans. Later this week we’ll be taking a look at the latest books being transformed onto screen.
This week on the blog we’ll be exploring the 2020 shortlist for the Miles Franklin Literary Award. To help with the start of your week we have this little gem to inspire you.
One thing we have noticed while staying safe at home, other than people have been devouring fiction books, is the serge in self help titles being bought. So this week on the blog we’ll share the best books for people who are thinking of starting their own business. To help kick-start the week, we have this little gem for you.
Happy Monday! This week on the blog we will be sharing our picks for the most inspiring reads of the past year, but for today we have this little nugget to ease you into the week.