One of the many joys of children’s books is the messages that sit behind what appears a simple story. Which book did you read as a child that carried an important message?
Growing vegetables, recycling, composting, eating meat-free, there are so many little changes we can make at home that make a positive impact on the planet, which would you suggest we all adopt?
So many species in our world have either become extinct or are facing extinction, if you had the superpower to bring one back, or save one, which would you choose?
In person with a cup of tea, sending a card, delivering flowers, a quiet moment of reflection or a long chat over the phone. There are so many ways to spend Mother’s Day, what will you be doing this year?
The illustrations are exciting, the stories are inspiring and the characters are funny. Children’s picture books are a joy to read. Which was your favourite to read as a child?
Libraries have come a long way since we were little. They were once quiet spaces where you had to whisper, now they welcome noise, mess and host so many events. What do you enjoy most about visiting the library?