Lee Child, Tom Clancy, Harlan Coben, Jane Harper, Martina Cole, Michael Connelly, Patricia Cornwell, Ian Rankin – there are so many crime writers – which is your favourite?
Sometimes the best books are ones we never thought we’d read but have come via a friend’s suggestion. We’re constantly on the hunt for great books to read especially when they come highly recommended. What are you reading at the moment?
Which book have you recommended the most to others? Lately for us it’s been Shoe Dog and What It Takes, two incredibly inspiring stories of perseverance.
Do you struggle through a book you’re not loving, or do you put it aside and move on to anther one? I just spent the weekend reading 2 books, one great (Semi Gloss) and one that I forced myself to finish. What are you currently reading?
It’s cold and rainy here in Melbourne today which really is the perfect condition to stay inside with a cup of tea, snuggle up and read. Which book are you waiting to add to your bookshelf this winter?
Mums are pretty amazing; they can see if you have a coat on even before you come down the stairs, know when you are rolling your eyes in another room and know just when a hug is needed. If your mum had a super power what would it be?
This week on the blog Karen’s sharing the latest YA titles hitting the market. It’s a hugely popular genre and one we can’t get enough of. What was your fav book as a teen?
Hopscotch, knucklebones, elastics, hacky sack, downball…there were so many great games that filled up our lunchtimes. Which was your favourite game to play as a child?
Climbing trees, riding bikes, reading books, mischief with friends…the school holidays are some of the best memories from our childhoods. How did you spend your school holidays when you were younger?