A new Booko feature

Booko now supports displaying “Works” – that is, a list of editions of the same book. A given work may have several editions – for example, a paperback, hardback or eBook version. Booko is starting to collect these various editions together as a “Work”.  We’ve had this feature for a while – but now Booko includes the minimum and maximum price for each edition of a work.  I think it should be a pretty useful feature.
Here’s the Top 10 works over the last few days. Check them out to see the new feature in action.
  1. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
  2. Tomorrow, When the War Began
  3. The Girl Who Played with Fire
  4. Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman’s Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia
  5. The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets’ Nest
  6. The Catcher in the Rye
  7. The Brain That Changes Itself
  8. Anna Karenina
  9. To Kill a Mockingbird
  10. Brave New World


6 thoughts on “A new Booko feature

  1. This will save me heaps of time on about half my Booko searches.

    One thought. The listing doesn’t seem to have an obvious ordering (to me, anyhow). Ordering them by lowest price (ascending) would be consistent with the usual Booko ordering. Ordering by publication date would also make sense.

    1. Excellent idea. The page now displays the minimum total, rather than the product’s minimum and the prices are now ordered by minimum total.

      Thanks for the suggestion!

  2. I take it that Editions will only appear if booko does in fact find more than one edition for that work?e.g. It won’t say “Booko has found 1 edition”. So it’s quite possible that some books I search for won’t show any editions. For example, I just searched “The Box” and there are no editions (which is probably true), but I just searched ‘Band of Brothers’ and it gave me editions for ‘Beyond Band of Brothers’, but I couldn’t find any editions of ‘Band of Brothers’.

  3. This is exactly what I needed!

    What do I do now, though, for example:

    I’m searching for Brandon Sanderson’s “The Way of Kings”. The results show several different versions (but no “work”) do/could you have tools so I can create the “work” myself? Or do you have to do it? Or do I have to do it on freebase perhaps?

    1. Hi Michael – the ability to modify works is on my to-do list. I’ll post about it when I’ve had time to work on it.

      Thanks for the suggestion!

  4. Seeing the publisher in the list of editions would help me choose which one I am wanting. Especially useful for Anna Karenina and the like, where different publishers have different quality of translation.

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