New Booko features

Hey everyone, Booko has some new features.

User accounts – you can now create an account to save your cart.  Booko accepts OpenID also – so you can use your OpenID provider to log in to Booko.

If you have a Booko account, you can now create additional lists for keeping track of books. For example, you could create a wish list, or a scifi list, or a kids’ book list or a list of all Tintin books. Just go to the “Manage Lists” page and go to town.

Finally, you can make lists public and sharable. Once you’ve created a list, just tick the “Public?” checkbox.  Booko will then create a public URL for you to use.   For example, here’s a list I made of all Tintin comics:

You can copy all the items from any public list into your own cart or into any of your lists.

Let me know what you think.