For a while now, we’ve been talking about expanding your mind through reading books. We’ve watched with interest as Mark Zuckerberg spent 2015 exploring a new book every fortnight as part of his ‘Year of Books‘ and Emma Watson started ‘Our Shared Shelf‘ through Goodreads.
A few friends have asked us why we didn’t have our own book club. We’re just a bit excited to launch the Booko Book Club. It’s a great opportunity for us to be able to connect with our Booko community in a different forum. We’re looking forward to getting to know you a little better and be able to have some great discussions about what we’re reading.
The Booko Book Club will review a new book every two months. We’re open to suggestions so feel free to post your suggestions on the Booko Facebook page or the Booko Book club page. We’ll let you know what books are coming up and which online retailer has the best prices. We’re keen to have some friends join, so please click through and join us in reading our first book together, ‘Flesh Wounds‘ by Richard Glover.
Flesh Wounds‘ by Richard Glover
A mother who invented her past, a father who was often absent, a son who wondered if this could really be his family. Richard Glover’s favourite dinner-party game is called ‘Who’s Got the Weirdest Parents?’. It’s a game he always wins. There was his mother, a deluded snob, who made up large swathes of her past and who ran away with Richard’s English teacher, a Tolkien devotee, nudist and stuffed-toy collector. There was his father, a distant alcoholic, who ran through a gamut of wives, yachts and failed dreams. And there was Richard himself, a confused teenager, vulnerable to strange men, trying to find a family he could belong to.
RIchard Glover is an Australian talk radio presenter, journalist and author. Flesh Wounds has received some fantastic reviews. We’re looking forward to sharing this book with you. Join the Booko Book Club here. If you would like to share your comments and thoughts on the book on the Booko Facebook page, use the hashtag #bookobookclub.
Find the books featured on the Booko Book Club on our Pinterest page.