About Booko

Booko (https://booko.info) is a vendor agnostic online aggregator, which helps savvy consumers source the most competitive pricing and shipping for books and DVDs globally.

Growing from sourcing books from a handful of bookstores in 2007, Booko now has the ability to search up to 64 online stores around the world, calculate the cost of shipping to your home country, convert the price into your local currency and sort this information from cheapest to most expensive.

With around 5,000 visitors daily from Australia, it is the market leader in the region. Growth areas for the business include the United States, United Kingdom and New Zealand in that order.

Booko’s Blogo is where we review books, look at book-buying trends, celebrate literary awards and interview some authors and other players in the field we love!

2 thoughts on “About Booko

  1. Hi,

    Just dropped by your about to say what a great site this is! I’m a big user of bookdepo and today needed a couple of amazon purchases, couldn’t believe the shipping costs, stumbled upon this site.

    I’m a big user of the net and had never heard of this site before, have you done any promo or anything like that?

    Do you make money via click throughs? (as I’m hoping I clicked through correctly for you to earn the CPC)



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